Sunday, December 25, 2022

INDIA - In words



India, land of ancient wisdom and modern progress,

A nation rich in diversity and unity,

From the snow-capped mountains to the golden sands,

Our land is filled with beauty that never ends.

The Ganges flows with life and majesty,

As the Taj Mahal stands tall in history,

From the forests of the north to the southern seas,

Our nation is a treasure, a land of great ease.

We are the children of Gandhi and Nehru,

Who fought for our freedom and paved the way,

For a nation that stands tall and proud today,

A beacon of hope in a world full of doubt.

India, our motherland, we love and adore,

With all our hearts and with all our soul,

We stand as one, united and whole,

A nation that will never be brought down or ignored.

So let us raise our flag with pride,

And sing our national anthem loud,

For we are the people of India,

And our future shines bright and proud.

credited to ChatGPT by openai

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Quotes on India - Part 1

What does great minds have to say about India. 

This is not specific for my country but still a great quote for people who says what is there to be proud of India.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

All about Vedas

Recently I was interested to understand more about Indian Vedas and how they are treated as vast source of knowledge. The first search of course was on net and here below I reached some resourceful data

thanks to facebook page

Excerpt from the quora commentary

Yes all the four Vedas with authentic commentaries according to the vedic tradition of the nirukta and nighantu grammar of vedic sanskrit are available online both in Hindi and English.
I am giving links to the full authentic commentaries on Vedas uploaded on the google drive.
RigVeda - ऋग्वेद -
RigVeda - ऋग्वेद
YajurVeda - यजुर्वेद -
YajurVeda - यजुर्वेद
SamaVeda - सामवेद -
SamaVeda - सामवेद
AtharvaVeda - अथर्ववेद -
AtharvaVeda - अथर्ववेद
Introduction to the Commentary on the 4 Vedas -
Introduction to the Commentry on the 4 Vedas
Books on Vedas -
Books on Vedas
I advice you to first read very important book named 'Introduction to the Commentary on the 4 Vedas'. This book is the master key to Vedas, I request you to first read this book before start reading the Vedas, because it is introduction to them, and we should have basic knowledge about the Vedas before reading them.
you can visit page on the Vedas on Facebook 'Veda'

Friday, March 08, 2019

Cyber Security Awareness - Few Suggestions

Following the topic on cyber security awareness, few points and tips, which I also follow:

>.Use browser and search engines which are not storing non required data for its use. I use Duck Duck Go to search instead of Google since last 6 months or so. Difficult to adjust but if you are using chrome, you can configure search engine (settings > manage search engine) and add Duck Duck Go as prefered
>. that reminds, use chrome or if possible firefox focus, this browser does not store your details and its easy to clean cache and history using 1 click
>.chrome is also Google :) so it may still store some data but its okay as long as you are clearing cache and history regularly, specially after any monetory transaction
> do not store data for auto-fill for any or all sites, keep it to minimal and try to remember more
> always use secure sites for payment (bank/CC), see "https" on URL and "lock" icon if on chrome
>. you may use social media, but do not post too much personal posts/pics, remember whatever goes on internet remains forever, be very careful and sensetive, especially for pics/data of kids/minors.
>. do not accept any friend request on social media just because he is in friendlist of one of your mutual friends, many people just keep adding strangers to increase their list
>. keep vigil on what your child is watching, recent example shows, even shows and videos specially made for kids are hacked and inserted with nonsense stuff
>. no need to click and see/save every link/image/video sent by someone unless you really know the person or think its important
>. i have turned off media auto download in whatsapp, which means if i think i need that image or video, i click and it downloads
>.1 comment, not related to security is forwards, please do not forward any message/content, unless you are sure of its authenticity, nowadays, its very easy to make a quick search and multiple fake buster sites will help you to find it out
make sure to keep group and that person also aware of same thing.
> do not spread rumors, or gov/army related sensetive stuff on social media (even if you know they are true), if gov wants you to know it they will share.