Monday, January 29, 2007

You are of which kind???

Recently I got this article from some website and found it good enough to share it with you all. I was told about the same kind of things by my uncle (Ishu kaka as I call him) and so it was like I got the something in softcopy of what I wanted to write since a long time now......
relax, read and give it a thought.... You are of which kind???

Who is being born:

According to the Buddhist Philosophy, there are basically 3 classes of people born in to this world. They are classified as " Tre Hetuka Prathisandika, Dwi Hetuka Prathisandika" and Eka Hetuka Prathisandika" (Ex.Like 3 star, Two star and One star) 3 Hetukas are the great beings they were already enlightened and come here or appear knowingly for the sole purpose of the benefit of others. Like Lord Buddha. Lord Krishna , Jesus Christ ect. A simplified example is that, they are like the Deans in Uni. faculty. Already having Ph.D's and nothing else to learn but to spread their great knowledge.

Dwi Heatukas are the people who come also knowingly (Means that they know where they are going to be born and can select where they want to be born and the purpose of their life) They are the people who have already progressed half way in the path towards enlightenment and not yet fully understood the reality. There purpose here is while working towards their own salvation, teach and help others on the same. (Like lecturers in a Uni. While they are doing their own Ph.D. Project, they teach a class of students).

The other group is "Eka Hethuka" they have very limited choice. Their birth is governed by past karma (Like students according to their VCE merits or marks they were sent to different faculties) And their purpose is working towards their own salvation by understanding the reality. Some may pass some may fail and if failed then have to come again after some time.

The purpose of birth:

Definitely the first category, "TreHethuka" is out of question for people like us. So It needs to be either the second or the third group. If you sit down for a moment to look back and reflect honestly to yourself that, how you have spent your current life:

Like, what you have learned about life, have you changed your attitudes , are those changes to the better side or worse, have you become more patient, more understanding , more kinder than before when you were in your youth or have you turned yourself in to a more impatient, irritable, possessive, jealous old creature. Have you noticed that, the life is short, fragile, delicate and impermanent. Have you noticed and registered in your mind at least a faint idea, that yours and others physical bodies are subject to disease, ageing ect. and similar to a putrid piece of meat which constantly needs to be fed clothed and washed. In spite of all that, it emanate bad odors and waste products, therefore is not a thing to be desired or be proud of. What purpose, (even it is very minute like helping your own child to be a good person) your life had served on the grater picture of things.

Once you answer these questions, without looking at stars for guidance, you will definitely come in to the correct conclusion about the Purpose of your life here. And also you will get a correct assessment about whether you were successful in achieving the purpose or whether you have strayed from the path leading towards the purpose.

It is not essential that you have to be materially rich with hefty bank accounts, large houses, acres of land, 9-5 job, degrees or titles to lead a purposeful life during the very short period of the life span of a person. You need only the correct vision. But how many of us have the correct vision is a question. When you are immersed in the delusion and rat race to be materially better than the next door neighbor with a quest for processing better house, a better car ect. Who has the time to think about after life ?.

When compared to the age of the universe or the age of the earth, or to take for an example, the age of a piece of a rock before you, the lifetime of a human being is amusingly minute and insignificant. In no time you will find that your jet black hair has started graying in places, your skin tone is loosing the healthy look it used to have and you are more closer to the grave than you were before and realize that you will not be able take any of the above said material processions to the other side with you. You were born empty handed and will go back empty handed. Will take only the good or bad karma's which were the results of your actions.

Predicting the previous and next births -The classical method in Vedic Astrology.

In regard to pre natal abode or the previous life:

Chapter 44 Sloka 42 of "Brihat Pararshara Hora Sastra" written by Maha Rishi Parashara the founder of VedicAstrology states the following:

O excellent of brahmins, the stronger of the two luminaries, Surya and Chander, occupying a dreshkan of Guru denotes the descent from the world of godes. If the stronger of the luminaries , Surya and Chander, Occupies the Dreshkan of Shuker or Chander the descent is from the world of Manes. If the stronger of the luminaries , Surya and Chander, is in the Dreshkan of Surya or Mangal , the descent from the world of Yama. If the stronger of the luminaries , Surya and Chander, is in the Dreshkan of Buddh or Shani the descent from the world of Hell.

Chapter 44 Sloka 43 -45 - Ascent After death or the Next Life:

If following Grahas are in 6,7 8, 12 houses the native will attain one of the different worlds after death, Guru : Heaven, Moon or Venus : Human world, Mars or Sun : Earth, Mercury or Saturn :Hell, In case said bhavas are not occupied the native will go to the world indicated by the stronger of the Dreshkan lords related to the 8 or 12 th Bhava. The natives graha's exhaltion ect. Will denote the high, medium and low status the native.

Therefore according to above rules, predicting the privious and next births are no big deals. The given method is so simple, un ambiguous and straight forward, you can easily design a computer program to predict it. The problem is not about the prediction but the verification of the prediction: Suppose you interpreted the chart according to the above said guide lines, then how do you test it ? No body has returned from dead to testify the correctness of the method or no body remembers where they have lived previously, and you are left with no choice, but to accept blindly the astrologers interpretation.

Predicting the previous and next births -The method shown by Lord Buddha.

Lord Buddha the son of King Suddhodana who lived in India 2500 years ago had given a very agreeable and more rational explanation about how to determine the next birth of a person.
"One day a group of monks approached the Buddha and wanted to know where, a person known to them was born after his recent death. Buddha showed them a nearby tree and told, Monks, suppose you go and cut that tree down, where do you think that tree falls. Monks answered O, Lord Buddha there is no doubt that the tree will fall in the direction it is inclined or leaned now.

Then the Buddha answered as same as that, a person's next birth is determined by the way he spends his current life. If he lives the life in a way a god is living in earth with kindness love ect. Then he will return to gods realm after his death. If he lived like a man then he will be born like a man, if he lived like an animal then will be born like an animal. That was Lord Buddha Answer."

During early 80's as a fresh agriculture graduate from the university I joined the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAP&H) in Sri Lanka as a Tropical Pasture Specialist. With me a number of new graduates joined the DAP&H. One of them, (I do not reveal the name as he is still working at DAP&H) was sent as a Farm Manager of a Goat Breeding Farm.

About one year passed and one day, I happened to meet him in a conference at the Head Office, to my surprise and astonishment, that his face had started to look like a goat's face not only me but many others had noticed the change. Even to this day, I can not find a rational answer to that except, coming to a conclusion that, he may have spent a whole year fully engrossed working and thinking about goats, and seeing goats every day, the features of his face had started to reflect his mind.

If he had died at that particular period of time, can you think of the realm he will be born ? what life form he will occupy and his place of birth ?.

It also illustrates the great dis-service people do to themselves by over the limit association with domestic and farm animals. Being kind to animals and helping them is one thing. Being kind and helpful is a godly attribute and developing that character is a way of getting close to the realm of gods. You should not confuse that aspect with totally immersing of yourself with the affairs of animals. Like treating an animal as your kith and kin or a child. By doing that you will gradually develop an affinity and liking to animal realm thus will be running a very high risk of being born as an animal, because your mind is set on direction towards the world of animals.