Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Avatar Movie Trailer......
See it in movie hall with 3D effects...
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Prague (Praha) - Czech Republic
My Vienna Trip
Since I am presently staying in the older part of Vienna, and so able to have a feel of their typical old and still better architecture..... (look at some of the photos below)

Schonburn Palace is also one of the places we visited last weekend

Friday, May 15, 2009

Usage share, in web browser statistics, is the percentage of visitors to a group of web sites that use a particular browser. For example, when it is said that Internet Explorer has x% usage share, it means that some version of Internet Explorer is used by x% of visitors that visit a given set of sites. Typically, the user agent string is used to identify which browser a visitor is using. The concept of browser percentages for the Web audience in general is sometimes called browser penetration.
Although everyone has choice to use browser of their choice, I personally feel that most of the net users are not so computer savvy and know the benefits of using other better browsers like Firefox.
Since most of the users are windows users and get IE for free, they are bound to use the browser, resulting in the statistics like the one above.
I am using Firefox since last 4 years now and find it no less than IE, in fact its the one browser which revolutionized browser concepts in a way.
Its free, fast, secure and very customizable web browser.
Market Share
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tips for enriched life
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Why do we crib about Traffic - Young India
Again a new post from Young India Initiatives...........
Dear All,
I have received quite a few inputs and remarks mentioning various problems. There is a huge list of issues we have to face in our daily life. We believe that these are getting completely neglected by leaders. We also crib about these issues as those are worsening day by day. As part of my habit, I try to analyze the problems with neutral and unbiased opinion. I know we have leaders most of which are of “do nothing” attitude. We also have leaders ready to take or snatch the credit of the work they neither did nor even thought of it in dreams. That’s the pity and miserable condition and we as human nature have tendency to blame them more.
We curse almost all possible people for our chaotic traffic situation. We blame traffic controller personnel. We shout at administration responsible for road construction work. But a simple observation which made me write this email – all these stakeholders are responsible for only up to 10% of traffic chaos occurring today across cities. Believe me. How many times you have noticed the traffic jams due to bad roads? How many times you have seen the chaos happening because of mismanagement of traffic controller? How many times you have seen traffic going beyond out of control due to administration issues?
I don’t believe in blame game … but for sure citizens are majorly responsible for the 90% chaos. Everybody has urgency to reach the destination on time, but as a habit … we don’t start bit early. For our convenience we called it as Indian standard. Everybody blames other on traffic rules violation … and self breaks the rules at every moment. We blame traffic controller for not controlling the traffic and managing it … but how many times we paid attention to him or his indication? Administration has made several roads unidirectional … then why do we still see the traffic jams there? It is again we who enters into wrong direction and creates the havoc. I am sure almost everyone has seen the deadlocks happening at the squares … it is the result of nature of urgency, competitiveness at wrong place and lack of understanding. Taking vehicle on reverse gear is huge compromise for us and we cannot live with that. It is the insult for a person if asked to take it reverse. It’s only in our country where we say and believe that “Rules are made to be broken”. This is something we believe as inherent part of life. This statement gives us thrill, a feeling of adventure.
It is safely assumed and has taken it as granted across country that the footpath on roadside are designed to be used by hawkers. Road side shops have first priority to use those and if there is any space left then pedestrians may use it. Bicycle riders find great pleasure and adventure to move on mainstreet though cycle paths are available in some part of country. People prefer to cross the road based on their choice than using zebra crossing or subways. I don’t believe all these can be and should be controlled only by those traffic guys. Also, no law and order system will be able to resolve these problems unless we want to. It is very easy to say and blame … but implementation needs lion’s heart. Implementation needs self discipline and self respect. Who will stop you … if you decide to stop at red? Who will punish you … if you decide to follow rules?
But yes … administration also needs to be aware of few things. Encroachments are never removed when those are happening. What keep administration waiting till those become bottlenecks? Many a times we see heavy earth movers, road rollers, cranes etc running at the speed of 10-20 KMPH and holding back the complete traffic at peak hours. Why do we have garbage trucks competing with private cars on high speed lanes? Why administration never restricts the entry for such heavy vehicles during peak hours? Why the construction materials are never removed in time from roads … those are left for no reason and cause traffic jams. I believe this degrading traffic situation is the result of our mistakes and can be solved to quite some extend by bringing awareness.
Yours truly,
Young! India (“Y! I” should be read as “Why Not I?”).
YoungIndia2014@yahoo.in, YoungIndia2014@gmail.com, YoungIndia2014@hotmail.com
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Excerpt from the Speech given by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis
One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? It's ok, bunk a few classes, goof up a few interviews, fall in love. We are people, not programmed devices.
"Don't be serious, be sincere." !
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Young! India
Hello All,
Today we have about 47% of our population is under age 30-35. Country having such a big population under age 30 … imagine the potential! But the fact is altogether opposite. Our country is being managed or mismanaged not by this youth population.
As per biological terms, we may be able to define the “youth”. But then does that definition make any sense for us or for community or for country? What makes you feel proud to have about half of population as youth when most of them have no aim in life? If they believe eating junks, drinking complete bottles, puffing life in smoke and then riding the bikes and attending clubs and discos is what the power of youth … I feel terribly sorry for you and for myself and my country. What makes you think and believe … these youth are blessings for us? Do you still believe nothing is going wrong?
Potential power which we believe we have in India in form of this youth population is like nuclear power. And the currently designated leaders who may not have skills to manage themselves are misusing this nuclear power. This youth power is being wasted for no reason. And we are responsible for this. This youth population needs direction, needs able guidance from people like you who are ready to take this responsibility and are truly proud to be part of this country. People like you are most wanted who believe that time has come when we need to clean our country and remove all those pests who are ruining the roots. These youth can make wonders & will make this land pride provided you take responsibility.
A simple question to you – if you have a child then what will you do if your child is getting trained under wrong hands? Don’t you see this wrong training or wrong lessons for your child today will spoil his tomorrow as well as yours? If this makes you think at least once, I will congratulate myself. Aren’t these youths the children of this country whom we should teach or at-least make them aware what’s wrong and what’s right? Believe me, if this is not initiated today … tomorrow will never come.
I always wanted to ask few things to these youth of today – Why do you believe you should be called “Youth” or “the power of country”? What makes you powerful? Do you believe your action and your thinking work in coordination? Why do you think eating pan masala or gutaka is an essence of life? Why smoking cigarette is always a style? Why riding bikes and violating traffic rules is part of adventure? Why always follow a leader who inspires you to do illegal and antisocial activities? Why do you indulge yourselves into the act of damaging the public property for no reason and then getting locked in jail … All these just for few hundreds? Do you believe … your life is just worth of that? Why don’t you understand you are being misguided and misused? How can you believe someone who neither cares for you nor your people nor your country? Why you cannot trust yourself and your instincts? Mother Nature has put our brain in top most position and that is clear indication – use brain before using your mouth to speak out, before taking it to heart and feel emotional, before raising your hands to take action and before you take steps to follow someone.
What is the point in celebrating the birthdays of those great people by putting huge loud speakers with nonsense songs and putting complete traffic jam for no reason? Shouldn’t we be learning from deeds of these great people and taking the work done by them to next level? Have you ever thought what your parents feel when they see you in such pity condition? Ask them at-least once what they dreamt when you were about to come into this wonderful world. I bet you cannot answer even a single question of mine. And I am 100% sure that you never even thought about it. Not because you were not aware of these … but because you cannot face your soul. You are losing faith in yourself and also the self control. But what happens when you lose the self respect? That’s the end of world for you … moral world … if not the physical one. And that’s not too far.
Please do circulate to others and let's first spread awareness (for sure atleast one indian youth).
Yours truly,
Young! India (“Y! I” should be read as “Why Not I?”).
YoungIndia2014@yahoo.in, YoungIndia2014@gmail.com, YoungIndia2014@hotmail.com
Please spread the awareness....