Sunday, January 12, 2020

All about Vedas

Recently I was interested to understand more about Indian Vedas and how they are treated as vast source of knowledge. The first search of course was on net and here below I reached some resourceful data

thanks to facebook page

Excerpt from the quora commentary

Yes all the four Vedas with authentic commentaries according to the vedic tradition of the nirukta and nighantu grammar of vedic sanskrit are available online both in Hindi and English.
I am giving links to the full authentic commentaries on Vedas uploaded on the google drive.
RigVeda - ऋग्वेद -
RigVeda - ऋग्वेद
YajurVeda - यजुर्वेद -
YajurVeda - यजुर्वेद
SamaVeda - सामवेद -
SamaVeda - सामवेद
AtharvaVeda - अथर्ववेद -
AtharvaVeda - अथर्ववेद
Introduction to the Commentary on the 4 Vedas -
Introduction to the Commentry on the 4 Vedas
Books on Vedas -
Books on Vedas
I advice you to first read very important book named 'Introduction to the Commentary on the 4 Vedas'. This book is the master key to Vedas, I request you to first read this book before start reading the Vedas, because it is introduction to them, and we should have basic knowledge about the Vedas before reading them.
you can visit page on the Vedas on Facebook 'Veda'